
Meet the Mayor: Boston's Children's Museum


Welcome to "Meet the Mayor," a segment in which we interview local Foursquare Mayors in their natural habitats.

Boston's Children's Museum
Jamila Wilson

You mentioned that you've used the museum's climbing structure to explain gravity to the toddler you teach. What do you personally think about gravity?
It's awesome. It keeps us grounded. Ba-dum-bum. But it's interesting, because when we talk about gravity with the toddlers, we use the story of Humpty Dumpty. We go from there, and the responses you'll hear out of the mouths of 2-year-olds are amazing.

What about the bubbles in the bubble room?

Bubbles are amazing. The joy you see in a child's face when there is a mountain of bubbles floating all over the place and dancing in the air. . . . You can see [children] concentrating on things that are so short-lived. . . . You've got this beautiful big ball of something, and pop -- it's gone. I don't like to touch the bubble stuff, but I do enjoy watching bubbles.

I have a fear of children eating my feet off. People have said it's an irrational phobia.
Be careful. Children are smarter than grownups give them credit for. They can find ways to get to you -- be it with their words, or lack thereof. Yes, do be wary when in a room full of children.

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