As is becoming increasingly evident,
the actions surrounding NATO add up to a perpetual protest. There's
no beginning or end, with shit popping from activist crash pads to
streets across the city, where clashes with police are getting more
frequent and more intense around every corner. In the past few days
I've had countless conversations with journalists, Occupiers, and
every type of reporter and aggregator in-between about how most of us
won't be able to file extensive accounts until things slow down a
bit, since every second spent writing inside is a second that we
could and should be documenting from the front lines.
With that in mind, here are 99 Twitter
feeds of writers, livestreamers, activists, and photographers who
together account for a vivid and detailed look at the non-stop state-sponsored
mayhem in Chicago (along with some pics from yesterday to spice
things up). If I left you out and you're knee-deep in the scrum,
please add your handle in the comment section. And if you're a
conservative troll who's sitting behind your laptop and talking trash
while the rest of us pound the concrete, go fuck yourself. To
everyone else – good luck out there. I'm @FARA1. See you all
The official twitter feed of the
@OccupyChicago Direct Action Collective.
Those who were seen dancing were
thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music -Nietzsche
The Arts and Recreation Committee for
Occupy Chicago.
I like art, music, hot sauce, and
summer days spent in the presence of people I admire &
enjoy.Sometimes I take pictures.Call me Big Mama James. #OWS #OCHI
We are the 99%! We are here to stay! We
occupy the AIR! Watch live for updates from occupations around the
world ustream.tv/channel/occupiedair #OWS #OO #OCHI
Law student, activist, dog person,
human person || #ochi; tweets=mine
Well small bio : I love app engineering
and #Telecomix | #PirateParty | #FileSharing |
Independent Journalist covering
political action and activism. //wepay.com/donate/timcastTV
Journalist and researcher. #Iran
Correspondent, @safeworld4women. Opinions mine. #womensrights,
#refugees, #occupy. I had the itch to fly and I flew.
OccupySarcasm is a devil's
advocate-playing asshole who lives by the words of the Great Kim Song
Ill Fuck em if they can't take a joke
CBS Chicago has the latest news,
weather, and sports for Chicagoland
₣reelance writer. Day 1 #occupier +
#OWS affinity group of one. 'Essential' says @RDevro. RT ≠ E.
Chicago trip fundraiser: //bit.ly/JgWNAI
Stand-up comic, writer, co-host of
Radio Dispatch and John and Molly Get Along. Actor in Naked in a
Fishbowl. After-school teacher in the Bronx.
Free News for Free Thinkers. Official
Truthout Tweets
Progressive in Chicago. All opinions
expressed are my own. RT does not = endorsement.
Agnostic. Think for yourself. Question
Political, Educational, and Religious Authorities of all kind.
#LuLzTeAmSix #s00n We are all #Anonymous
Guardian journalist based in New York
relaying Outreach communication from,
to and between all Occupy Chicago neighborhoods.
Breathing class war like a dragon
breathes fire. Occupying the airwaves and the streets every day. Hit
up @RickSmithShow for the full experience. Opinions mine.
Official account of #OccupyCongress. In
unity with @OccupyWallSt. Join the people-powered movement against
corporations running the show. Real democracy now!
Photojournalist, lover of bacon.
Tinkerer. G33k. Telecomix Agent.
Technology, science, and journalism- privacy, security, and
hackerspaces. freedom and datalove =)
Official Twitter for Occupy Chicago! We
are the 99% | Voting GA's are Wed & Sat at the Horse! Congress &
Michigan #ChicagoSpring #OChi
It's NOT camping, it's #sleepfulprotest
#sleepidarity We #occupyeverything 24/7
Economic journalist focused on US
income and wealth inequality, Occupier.
I'm a writer in the midst of a love
affair with journalistic ideals and social media. Music is my
heartbeat. #OccupyOakland #OccupySF #OWS #occupyeverywhere
. : : DISCLAMER : : . The views i
express are my own. if you want news on occupy sydney, goto
Nursing Student, Natural Chica, Liberal
Feminist, Sexual Assault Counselor & Future Midwife --- Wild
Child turned Wild Woman... Come! Share My Journey!
Headless rider on an Ascii horse with a
Nyan Cat as halo, sword made of Lulz and scabbard made of tolerance.
Bitcoins: 18NHixaoQekQJ3y52aBGJJwgBWX9X3myYR
director/space cadet
I write at The Indypendent, The Public
Record, others. Photojournalist. Agitator. @DavGolProject founder.
Tweets A LOT. #Occupy #CraftBeer
Investigative journalism and in the
field reporting covering political news related to the people.
Following labor and immigration.
Occasionally writing about them. Often doing something about them.
Freelancer, unless you want to hire me.
All indians, no chiefs.
The Boston Occupier is a one-stop shop
for news and in-depth journalism related to Occupy Boston and the
Occupy movement.
Vegan and LGBT rights activist. Street
journalist for Occupy Wall Street.
Occupying #WallStreet since #Sep17.
Standing with the global #Occupy movement. We are the 99%.
Contribute: //bit.ly/HelpOWS #ows
37yo #uNonymous autonomous gay male in
SF. #citizenjournalist #gonzoreporter @Ustreamer and caller of
bullshit. punkboyinsf.org #pUNkCr3w
a ghost in a hundred halls, a shadow in
a thousand rooms. hippity hoppity horror 4R7 CR1M35 #invaderz
Progressive in Chicago. All opinions
expressed are my own. RT does not = endorsement.
Occupied Chicago Tribune - Media for
the 99 percent
Tweeting politics, dissent, photos &
commentary. Student @ UMass Boston, emerging photojournalist, live
tweeter, & music lover.
editor in chief @nextgreatgen.
blogger/web producer @globalpost. tweets are mine, do not reflect
opinions of others.
Monthly news magazine committed to
informing and analyzing movements for social, environmental and
economic justice. Founded in 1976.
co-founder CODEPINK
I'm really worried about the cpd
horses; they're frothing mouth, tripping,officers are taking swings
at the horses following them.
Full-time worker; citizen journalist.
Radically autonomous occupier. I occupy chi but all my tweets are
mine. Follow me for #OChi updates! chicagospring.org
Taking the 'If you see something, say
something'-approach to the corruption of democracy. General
Assemblies @ 6pm Tu/Th/Sa/Su.
we are stronger than everything they
taught us that we should fear.
Journalist and organizer working for
press freedom and the future of news through media and tech policy.
Journalism & Public Media
Executive Director at @truthout.
Opinions are mine.
CODEPINK is a women-initiated
grassroots peace and social justice movement. www.codepink.org
Columbia College J-school alum.
Freelance journalist, blogger and photographer in Chicago.
Anti-monetizer. Protest chaser. Grant writer (over $1 million served)
respect existence, or expect resistance
☮ ❀ ॐ ♫ ♥
chicago ·
Reporter @Truthout @ChicagoReporter on
immigration, corporate corruption, Occupy, race and poverty.
I'm a freelance animator by day, and an
occupier by night.
What you need to know: now. News,
entertainment, sports and business news from the Chicago Sun-Times
and more. And yes, it is real people here.
rable rouser
rabble rouser, agitator, organizer,
labor activist
Official Site of the Chicago Police
Department.Tweets do not necessarily reflect the views of the CPD. We
link to CPD and media sites about a variety of issues.
I have a job. I bathe obsessively. I
own my home. I work hard. Wall St & corporations captured
government, corrupted democracy, and destroyed the economy.
a ghost in a hundred halls, a shadow in
a thousand rooms. hippity hoppity horror 4R7 CR1M35 #invaderz
posting as many pictures of the occupation. Follow our Posts!
//youtube.com/wearechange //facebook.com/lukewearechange
Aspiring coot, mithrandir, politcal
afficianado, chronic mispeller
Like CNN, but with more swearing.
Citizen Radio is hosted by Allison Kilkenny (The Nation) and Jamie
Kilstein (Conan O'Brien, Showtime)
RT's { #OccupyChicago, #OccupyChi } --
see also: //n0.gd/occBots
Reporter for Voice of Russia Radio News
Research Fellow at @DeSmogBlog.
@UWMadison/@BuckyBadger Alum. Freelance muckraker &
political/social analytical work on side. Views expressed/tweets my
the official twitter account of
@OccupyChicago Press Relations Committee.
Don't tell me I can't change the world
because I am already doing it.One Love.
Occupy Boston Logistics. The guy in the
yellow hat. rene (at) occupyboston dot org
I've been with the #OccupyLA movement
since Oct.1. Visionary Activist, #NewMediaJournalist, mother,
environmentalist & yogini . ustream.tv.occupyfreedomla
Civil liberties blogger who covers
#WikiLeaks, drones, torture, secrecy, #OWS, etc. Co-author of the
book Truth & Consequences: The US vs. Bradley Manning
Author, journalist, feminist,
reprobate, tea-drinker, gentlewoman of fortune. Writes for The
Independent and many others. Views my own.
Citizen Radio co-host, contributing
reporter for The Nation. Blog at allisonkilkenny.com.
Development & Communications
Associate at @Truthout. Editor & contributor at @OccupiedChiTrib.
Anarcho-curious; frequently
Writer, comedian, independent
journalist & co-host of Radio Dispatch, a thrice weekly political
Internet radio show.
Just 1 person, Mr. Murphy(Murph). My
ustream channel: //www.ustream.tv/channel/occupymass
This account is run by #Obama2012
campaign staff. Tweets from the President are signed -bo.