Foodie WTF: Because it's Friday, and Friday means chocolate pasties
And why the hell not, right? If plain old Fashion Week isn't
really your cup of tea, I get that. If this isn't though, well, you might be a
lost cause. Here, for your unadulterated haute dessert-loving enjoyment, are
some snapshots from the 1st annual Salon du Chocolat in Switzerland,
courtesy of Reuters. Willy Wonka, eat your heart out.

I did promise you pasties, so let's do these first. How are they not melting? Was it freezing in this room? Did she secretly eat any of those beads backstage? As someone who begins to sweat profusely the second a spotlight is trained on my person, I am simultaneously mystified and horrified by the idea of parading down a runway covered in a milk chocolate skirt.

Cute. I like the headpiece, and those white chocolate (Ick. I'm a dark chocolate purist.) swirls are mightly hypnotizing.

I actually kind of love this, 1) because it reminds me of those little spindly bird's nests you see at dim sum places, and 2) I can't help but imagine sitting down while wearing it. The dress would be tragically and immediately ruined, yes, but I get the feeling it would be immensely satisfying. Also, how the hell did she get into this?

Not sure where the chocolate is here. Are those chocolate arrows? Maybe just the bodice? Huntress is so hot right now though, (some Hunger Games fans told me so, must be true) so I guess it doesn't matter.

Reminscent of those candy portaits. That is all.
This chick is owning this so hard. So is that pastry minion on the right. This is a situation in which I would make it through the sitting like a professional statue, and then get up and immediately brush a wall without noticing. Whoops.
Happy Friday, folks. Now you have something to try out this weekend.