
Pics and RIPs: A Funeral for Bain Capital's Victims on Copley Square


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A small and somber group of about 25 activists gathered in the shadow of the Hancock Tower today for a funeral on Copley Square. Dressed in all-black, satirical grief filling their faces, the mourners – representing MassUniting and likeminded progressive fronts – came to sink a casket for the countless jobs that cease to exist as a result of Hancock tenant Bain Capital's outrageously greedy practices.

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The service was short, with Pastor William Dickerson blasting the “callous actions” of Bain's “corporate raiders” before participants amplified the firm's contributions to the unemployment rolls. Each pillaged company got its own tombstone – DDi Corporation, where Bain banked tens of millions while firing thousands of workers; American Pad & Paper, where a similar scene played out.

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Of course this is all timed to former Mass governor Mitt Romney's presidential candidacy, which could use a funeral of its own these days. That despite Romney being less than integral in a number of these dealings; as was noted in numerous fact checks of the famously botched anti-Mitt pseudo-doc King of Bain, he was off saving the Winter Olympics and socializing healthcare when DDi got plundered.

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Still Bain is bigger than Romney. It's emblematic of why so many things suck in the age of the super corporation – why the quality at TGI Friday's has plummeted, and why so many board-run newspapers are folding. These monsters suck the life, spirit, and resources out of businesses. There's no consideration for employees or customers. For villains like Bain, the bottom line is their sole concern.

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Romney's spin chumps can say what they want about these sporadic public demonstrations. They can claim that those who protest Bain resent capitalism – even that they're jealous of the pinstriped chimpanzees who live large on the backs of poor people. But what they can't say is that they appreciate these kinds of spectacles. Not even the most naïve Romney drone would swallow that much bullshit.

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