Breaking: Is Occupy Boston dismantling the Dewey Square camp?

All photos by Liz Pelly.
Our reporters @LizPelly, @Fara1, @Eugenia_Will, and @arielshearer are on the ground in Dewey Square this afternoon, as OCCUPY BOSTON preps for a midnight deadline set by Mayor Tom Menino for the occupants to leave the Rose Kennedy Greenway.
Liz Pelly reports that some campers are breaking down their tents -- but also points out that this is being done autonomously. Occupy will convene a General Assembly at 7 pm tonight to vote on official actions. However, many of the Occupants' biggest asset -- including food, library, medic, media, and spirituality tents -- are due to be removed from Dewey around 4 pm by the Occupiers, Pelly reports.
One volunteer at the Occupy Information Tent expressed the wish that the Info Tent would be the last to go -- and predicted that the Boston eviction would look nothing like Oakland or Wall Street.
Here are photos taken this afternoon -- follow @bostonphoenix on twitter for live updates.

Occupy Boston protesters respond to Mayor Menino's midnight deadline
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