
VIDEO & Storify Round-Up from #OccupyTheHood meets #OccupyBoston (10/21/2011 in Dudley Square)

I'm not quite sure what possessed me last night in Dudley Square, but I produced something like 100 tweets over the three hours I spent covering Occupy the Hood. The energy was downright intoxicating, as hundreds of occupiers from Dewey Square – who marched nearly three miles to get there – turned up right at six o'clock. There they were met by a fully charged mass of black and Latino community members, a number of whom came with batteries to charge the movement.

As I expressed loudly last night, the event was more than just a success – it was a show of solidarity between multiple movements that can help fuel one another, and a testament to just how badly big banks and Capitol Hill bagmen have insulted one and all. Here we put together highlights from my timeline, plus video clips of some standout speakers. As MassUniting operative Darrin Howell said last night, “This is the first Occupy the Hood anywhere that's in the hood.” History in the making...


[View the story "#OccupyTheHood in Dudley Square (10/21/2011)" on Storify]
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