#OccupyBoston meets #15o: Photos and video from a hectic day of marches, rallies, and organizing

It was a busy day for #OCCUPYBOSTON on Saturday, which kicked off with an unexpected visit. Massachusetts Governor DEVAL PATRICK stopped by unannounced around 11 am and received a tour from organizers [photos]. Soon after, the Phoenix caught up with Patrick as he headed into the Boston Book Festival; in the only interview he's given on the subject, the Governor praised Occupation's organization and expressed support for its right to protest peacefully [interview]. The photos above and below are from a late-afternoon student march in solidarity with an international day of direct action -- the same one that led to Occupy action in London, Italy, and another #OWS showdown in Times Square. [All photos in this post by @ArielShearer].
(There was yet another rally -- this one an anti-war march that began at Park Street -- earlier in the day; Chris Faraone was live-tweeting the march. We've collected his photos, as well as some some of Liz Pelly's snaps from the #OccupyBoston Women's Caucus, on Storify -- which you can also view on our LiveBlog page here.)
As the late-afternoon rally made its way through the Back Bay -- down Boylston to Copley, where it ran into the Book Festival before crossing to Newbury Street, plunging against traffic back to towards Arlington Street -- back at Dewey Square, our friends HALLELUJAH THE HILLS were covering a John Lennon song, which is down there at the bottom.