
This Revolution Is Televised: A little something for assholes who are complaining that there's a lack of Occupy Wall Street coverage

So I found out this morning on Twitter that there's to be an Occupy Boston powwow modeled after the Occupy Wall Street actions that have been going so well in New York. I was surprised not because the spirit spread to Mass, but because I didn't get a press release. Call me arrogant if you want, but the fact is that I probably cover more protests than any other reporter in Boston, and found it to be a bit strange.

Or maybe it's not so strange. Perhaps it's an intentional oversight so that those who occupy Boston can mimic their Big Apple counterparts and complain obsessively that there's no coverage. Which brings me to the real point of this post, which is to call bullshit on the parrot clowns who have been claiming for a week now that the media's ignoring the New York action. You know the type - they don't actually follow the news, but they know everything about it.

As displayed below, there was and is no lack of coverage - I'd even go as far as to say that I've never seen a protest action of this sort get more attention. From the start of the occupation to the time that shit got rowdy, reporters have been there documenting. I'm no fan of the mainstream press, but the fact – and I don't use that word loosely – is that they were on their job. As fun as it is to complain about us, the corporate media (and even outlets that are owned by these nefarious institutions) is not the problem here. Wall Street is.

I hope that Occupy Boston goes well. Much like the Occupy Wall Street kids, I wish nothing but the worst for all scumbags who pillaged our economy. But I'm getting really sick of political novices and hipster dipshits thinking that the world needs to suddenly pay attention because they bought a tent and made a sign. If you want a quick hand job, post something clever on Facebook. Most activists would chop a finger off to get half this much major coverage. Now stop being babies and carry on - you sound like Glenn Beck bitching that nobody covered his redneck parade in DC last year.

A VERY condensed list of Occupy Wall Street coverage (please note that many of these outlets have reported on the action several times, and that these links are just from BEFORE cops lost their fucking minds down there, triggering the real media storm):

The Guardian

ABC News

Washington Post

New York Times


New York Magazine

Huff Post



Fox News

Global Post




The Week


Boston Globe


Denver Post

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