
Meet the Mayor: Pandemonium Books & Games

Welcome to "Meet the Mayor," a segment in which we interview local Foursquare Mayors in their natural habitats.

Pandemonium Books & Games
Mark Nolan

Why are you the mayor here?
Because every Wednesday we play Dungeons & Dragons Encounters. This season, my character is an eladrin wizard. He's a bladesinger, so he can do the long-range wizardy kind of things, and he can also use his sword and get up in the battle.

Why is your wizard such a violent guy?
We're fighting evil, so he's only violent against evil.

Has he ever tried talking things out with evil forces?
They don't listen. We roll diplomacy, and all they want is a fight.

What's the worst thing that's ever happened to you here?
Coming close to my character dying. I don't remember what we were fighting. They might have been wolves, who were ganging up on me because I was in the spot closest to them. It was bad.

This couldn't have been the badass wizard?
No, this was a halfling rogue. They're like little hobbits. He wasn't too strong.

Why are hobbits such worthless, disgusting creatures?
Y'know, hobbits get a lot of hate, but I enjoyed playing my halfling. He was very agile. They can do all these crazy leaps and bounds.

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