PETA's 'Girls Gone Wild' descend upon Copley Square.

Parading three naked young girls painted to look like animals hunted and tortured for their fur isn't the craziest thing PETA has ever done by far. No, no. Remember when they wanted to outlaw Groundhog Day because Punxsutawney Phil was being denied worker's comp or something? And then they tried to make Thanksgiving seem sinister. (Well, alright, it sort of is. But that's the whole slaughtering the Native Americans and stealing their shit and then acting like it was all a big party thing. NOT the delicious food part.)
So, no, their "PETA's Girls Gone Wild" stunt in Copley Square Thursday afternoon to encourage people to trade inhumane exotic animal fur and skin fashion for the faux alternative was pretty tame. Although those poor girls must have been freezing their freaking *tails* off. Seriously, it was windy. For the full story on nude, body-painted PETA chicks, check out the story at Stuff Boston.