Technology writers would argue, there are no green gadgets, just green-er gadgets. Making gadgets of any kind actually takes quite a bit of energy to make, let alone use. But electronic developers are getting more of a conscience lately it seems and helping us all become a bit more environmentally friendly. Here are my top 10 picks for green-er gadgets to buy this year.

10. Solar powered flashlight -- The EPA estimates that nearly three billion batteries are purchased every year and most of those will eventually find their ways into landfills. To help decrease battery-consumption, Choose Renewables is selling a solar-powered flashlight (bordering on the verge of an oxymoron here), that can be used for up to 16 hours straight on a full charge. The flashlight will last for about 100,000 total hours in its life and uses a high-powered LED form of light to show you the way.

9. Smart Power strip: This power strip is almost as smart as my cat, which is saying a lot for a power strip cause my cat is fairly intelligent feline that actually has a brain. This power strip automatically turns off your peripheral electronics when they are not in use -- a huge energy-saver for not only your electric bill, but the environment as well. The great part is, it is color-coded for easy use and still safeguards the electronics powered into it in case of a surge. Win-win!

8. Green Toilet -- The TOTO Neorest 500 sounds like the next Star Trek geek convention toy, but is in reality is a high-end, eco-friendly toilet. This amazing toilet can cleanse your bottom once you are done doing your business as well as open and close its lid with a remote. The eco-part comes in when you guage how much water you use per year getting rid of your unwanted waste, this toilet pumps out efficient amounts of water with a powerful cyclone method, built to conserve water in the long run.

7. Solar powered Nokia cell phone: Nokia could possibly be the most environmentally conscious cell phone maker in the world. They also make incredibly durable phones. I have dropped my Nokia cell phone innumerable amounts of time, including into a toilet (twice) and it just keeps on ticking. Last year Nokia unveiled a cell phone that came in packaging made of 60 percent recycled material and whose charger uses substantially less than other cell phones. According to CNET, Nokia has gone ultra-green with plans for a solar-powered phone with an eco-sensor that alerts users on such environmental issues like air quality.

6. Eco-HDTV: HDTVs are the SUVs of TVs -- they guzzle energy. Philips has come up with a 42-inc, 1080p, flat panel LCD with a couple of eco-friendly features to help save on the energy guzzling. The main eco-friendly feature is the TV dims its backlight in response to the room's lighting and the program being watched-- up to five times less than the its brightest shine. The TV uses about 75 watts, about as much as a regular lightbulb and is due out in March (retailing about $1,399). The proper name for the TV is 42PFL5603D, not too easy to remember.
5. Wi-Fi Remote: According to the A.C. Nielsen Co., the average American watches more than four hours of TV every day. That is a lot of time spent infront of the boob tube (an expression I would love for someone to explain to me). This new remote by Greepeak will cut down on the number of batteries used to power your favorite escapist excercise, the remote! This watch battery-powered remote uses wireless radio technology and can zap your TV off from inside the next room. You do not even need to see the TV in order to turn it off. Now you can really mess with your loved ones monopolizing the couch.

4. Solar powered laptop case: While not entirely new, this is the first time I have ever heard of this gadget and I think most people are in the dark (pun intended) on this case. This case hooks up to your laptop and charges it, all with power from the sun. Voltaic Systems has a number of solar-powered book bags and messenger bags as well. The bag generates up to 15 watts and includes common adaptors for laptops, phones and other hand-held devices.

3.MicroFuel Cells -- Another great cell-phone idea to come about recently is the Mobion fuel-cell system. MTI Micro. has developed a new type of battery that runs on methanol rather than the typical lithium ion batteries companies like Duracell and Energizer make. This battery system can have as much as 2,700 hours of continuous operation, a lot longer than regular batteries. The MTI Micro´s Mobion fuel cells are currently able to power a handheld entertainment system, a camera grip pack, and a PDA/smart phone.

2. The HYmini: How amazing would your living room look if you didn't have to plug in your portable electronic devices? All those power strips and extension cords could be released for bigger devices like your TV and wall-unit air conditioner. The HYmini collects wind and solar energy, as well as lets you hand crank it, to power your portable powered electronics. The device comes equipped with a USB plug, a DC input jack and an LED night light for your pleasure.

1. All-electric car: While still in concept stage, come 2012, Toyota says it will have launched its first ever all-electric car, the FT-EV. The compact car will be built for city commuting as part of Toyota's plan for become the foremost green auto-maker. The hatchback will have a max speed of 50 miles per hour, four seats, and run on an ion battery. The cost, Toyota estimated, will not run more than $20,000, saving consumers an enormous amount of money in gas, and saving the environment an enormous amount of carbon dioxide.