Mp3 of the Week: Mean Creek

DOWNLOAD: Mean Creek, "Hands Behind Our Heads" (mp3)
Chis Keene and Aurore Ounjian were kicking around town as an indie-folk duo called, in true Damon & Naomi fashion, Chris & Aurore. But lately they’ve been fleshing out their songs with a full band, and they’ve rechristened themselves MEAN CREEK. Their debut, Around the Bend (on Boston-based Clubhouse Records), finds them filling out Dylan-esque roots-rock ballads with boy-girl harmonies that hark back to the heyday of mid-'90s post-grunge pop. Yes, that's pretty much the bass line from the Beatles' "Taxman" in "Hands Behind Our Heads," and not even Dando and Hatfield could’ve swooned more sweetly in the chorus. Cop the product, then mark yr calendars for the CD-release party next Thursday, February 22, at the Middle East with Christians and Lions, Bugs and Rats, and Movers and Shakers.