Meet the Mayor: MBTA Downtown Crossing Station
Welcome to "Meet the Mayor," a segment in which we interview local Foursquare Mayors in their natural habitats.

MBTA Downtown
Crossing Station
Joselin Mane
Ever seen a dead body
down here?
There was that video of a drunk woman who fell into the
tunnel. Remember that? I've seen a lot of bums, but no dead people.
She was rescued by
her fellow T riders!
I saw a video of a train in the U.K. roll over a baby carriage. The
baby was fine, because the gap between the baby carriage and the train was so
big. I don't think that would work here.
Huh. What's that kid
going to be like when he grows up?
"See that video? That was me! I survived!"
Isn't it weird how
it's impossible for two strangers to have a conversation on the T without one
person creeping the other out?
Actually, because my glasses are very innovative, I always
get strangers coming up to me, asking, "Oh, are those glasses comfortable?
Where can I get those?"
Are they comfortable?
They are very comfortable. They're made out of titanium.
They're lightweight. Generally, depending on how long I'm with the person, I'll
let them try them on so they can see. If you want, you can try them on.
You don't want me
doing that. I'm unbelievably greasy.
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