Report: Manning (almost) disses Brady on SNL
Former ESPN dude turned blogger
Dan Shanoff has an account on his site from
someone who attended the dress rehearsal of this past weekend's edition of Saturday Night Live with your host Peyton Manning:
[D]uring Peyton's monologue, Amy Poeler [sic] was dressed
in a Patriots jersey and heckled Peyton, saying "What does Tom Brady
and the Circus have in common? They both have two more rings than you." Peyton stared right back and said, "That's not the ONLY thing he'll have two more of....."
Of course, the joke was significantly altered for the actual broadcast, perhaps because Manning didn't want to actually disrespect Brady in public. Watered-down version below:
Hey, NBC: now that you're on YouTube, how about opening the
SNL vault so we can post the famous Joe Montana "really honest guy" sketch? That still, for our money, is the funniest thing an athlete has done on that show.
(Link via Deadspin, you can watch another clip of Manning there.)