Sizing it up
Dear Dr. Lovemonkey,
I’m a short woman (4’11” tall, to be exact). I am constantly astounded at people who make up thoughtless nicknames for me, like “Shorty” or “Little Girl.” Do they not understand that this is offensive? Would they call someone who has heavy “Fatso” or “Big Girl”? While I accept my height, I find these people quite annoying. I don’t really know if there is any way that I can impress upon people the fact that this is annoying, but I do hope that by publishing my letter some people might read it and realize what they are doing is not appreciated.
Dear Anonymous,
You are probably quite right — there is little you can do about people who are so insensitive that they make up nicknames for people based on their physical attributes. There are probably folks with red hair who feel that being called “Red” is annoying. It’s best that people just keep away from making up nicknames (this goes for you, too, President Bush), as you never know what someone is sensitive about or will find irritating. You could, of course, respond to such people by saying, “Thank you so much, Mr./Ms. Sensitive,” but that would probably cause more hurt and confusion. I guess all you can do is grin and bear it, and understand that some people are insensitive boneheads.
Age matters
Dear Dr. Lovemonkey,
What is statutory rape?
_Joe B.
Dear Joe B.,
If someone has told you that it is having sex with statues, you have been misinformed. Statutory rape is the term used when there is sex between a consenting adult and a “consenting” minor. A minor (the age designation is different in different states) is not considered legally able to give consent. That is why this is considered rape and is illegal. Dr. Lovemonkey certainly hopes you are not asking this because you are an adult who is having or considering having sex with a minor. This is exploitative and wrong. If there is some question as to age, seek positive proof of ID. And then check yourself for positive proof of IQ.
Musical chairs
Dear Dr. Lovemonkey,
I’ve been dating a married man for three years, and I’m starting to suspect that he’s cheating on me. Our plan was that we’d get married after he leaves his wife. Right now, though, I fear that he is going to dump me for another woman. What can I do?
_Desperate to Know
Dear Desperate,
Like our last letter writer, you should immediately check yourself for positive proof of IQ. This man you’ve been with is a cheater. He’s been cheating on his spouse for three years. What makes you think it’s not an easy leap to cheat on you as well? You should do the dumping. Dump this entire situation. Seek relationships with people who are avail-able and unattached.
Stupid nation
Dear Dr. Lovemonkey,
Why is it that when I expressed my disapproval of the Republican vice presidential candidate, Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska, a number of people suggest I am being a “sexist”? There is nothing “sexist” about being opposed to someone who seems to not believe in science (creationism is comparable to evolution?), pledges to repeal Roe v. Wade, and wants to drill for oil any-where and everywhere. And if I believe that she’s not qualified to be VP does that make me a sexist? What’s going on here?
_Obama Supporter
Dear Obama,
What’s going is a political campaign where epithets will be slung, people will be called names, and distinctions will be muddied. There’s nothing wrong with you, but plenty wrong with the inherent stupidity of presidential (and vice presidential) campaigning.

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