Tim Gunn is our Guru: DISCUSS

Relax, Tim Gunn, it's just fashion!
Holler! Pardon the semi-sporadic postings up in here. Now that it's fall and Boston is a city again, there's ohsomuch more to do. Of late, we've been buried underneath an imposing stack of press releases that doesn't ever seem to get smaller -- though it does include some delicious upcoming author appearances that we'll obvs let you know about asap.
Anyway, despite being crazybusy, there's always time for books -- even if we're forced downgrade our storytime to the commercials breaks of MTV's "TWO A DAYS" (utterly fascinating; we're learning so much about football and team spirit and the love of the game) or on the glorious, extremely efficient B line. Sometimes it's a little hard to concentrate on fiction while screaming students nearly claw our hair out in their misguided attempts to get a seat next to that hottie from Boston College with the popped collar who is wearing a flip-flops and socks ensemble (NO AND NO). But we'll manage! And we digress. We almost forgot this wasn't a fashion forum.
Oh wait, yes it is (sort of)!
Hear us out. Tim Gunn is...well, he's the closest thing to a diety that we know of at the moment, and before long, he will share a place on the coffee table in loving proximity to The Fug Awards. Fresh from our Publisher's Lunch Weekly deal round-up is this shining designer nugget:
Fashion guru on the series Project Runway and the chair of fashion design at Parson's The New School for Design Tim Gunn's first book, TIM GUNN: A Guide to Style, written with Parsons' Kate Moloney, to Tamar Brazis and Susan Van Metre at Abrams Image, for publication in spring 2007.
Can we get a HELL YEAH?!
Also, if any of you six readers would care to share some insights with us in our handily provided comments section, Nina and I would be very pleased and grateful. Especially if you've attended any of the Readings & Signings we try to keep you informed about, or if you applied to that job with Pagan Kennedy, or if you just want to tell us to shut up and stop talking about Laguna Beach. Anything. Really. Please?
Make it work, guys. Carry on! We'll see YOU at Red Lobster, Tim-bo.