
See this film series: Short & Sweet III: German Animated Films: "Dreams and Demons" @ the Goethe Institut

Sprout (2006)

"Dreams and Demons," the most recent installment in the Goethe Institut's series Short & Sweet III: German Animated Films, ventures into the haunted Teutonic terrain familiar to the filmmakers of the Expressionist period and writers like the Brothers Grimm with its program of seven outstanding shorts. They include Lars Henkel's surreal The Patchwork Queen (2001), which employs cut-outs and archival footage to explore the nature of heartbreak; Anne Breymann's Sprout (2006), which uses puppet animation to evoke Rosemary's Baby and confront the dark side of motherhood; and Andreas Hykade's The Runt (2006), which relies on the most basic animation technique to explore fundamental problems of human existence: life, death, innocence, and experience. The Goethe Institute is at 170 Beacon St, Boston | 8 pm | free | 617.262.6050 or

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