National Society of Film Critics 2006 Awards meeting
Some notes on the National Society of Film Critics awards
meeting, which I attended on Saturday.
1,. Sure am glad that it took an hour and a quarter less than
last year.
2. There are 54 members in our society (I think). Some 45 voted.
Of those About 24 were proxy votes of members who did not actually attend the
meeting. After the first ballot the proxy votes are elimated, leaving some 21
or so less members (some had to leave before the meeting was over) deciding the
winners. Only two categories (I think) were
decided on the first ballot -- Best Actress, Helen Mirren, and Best
Screenplay, also for “The Queen.” So the rest were decided by a minority of
voters -- probably about the same percentage as the percentage of potential voters
who elect our president. Or maybe a better analogy is that of the minority Bolsheviks
who took over the Russian Revolution.
3. I was surprsed to find certain members of our group among
those receiving recognition from’s
whores of the year awards (only two; they shall remain nameless). As for our
winners, only one received a blurb from one of the honored whores, "An
Inconvenient Truth,” winner of Best Non-fiction Film:
“One of the most important
films ever. If this does not move you to change, nothing will.” So said whore
Larry King.
To which whore Eleanor Clift of added: “If you liked
March of the Penguins, you’ll love An Inconvenient Truth.”