
Pranking Middlesex: Bodega Girls strike again. Oh, and Cool Ranch is tonight!

Has anyone seen Rickyy Thornburg's missing Red Sox wallet? If you hit up Middlesex Lounge tonight for the COOL RANCH party with TRABANTS and BODEGA SLUTS (a fucked-up hybrid supergroup with the 'Girls, Cave In, Read Yellow, uhh Kingsley Flood, Miltown, a billion others bands and pretty much everyone ever) be on the lookout for for a wallet that says "Yoooouuuukkkk!" on it.

Also keep your eye on the phones, because Evan Kenney is on the warpath. This recent prank call is pretty good ("What's going on there, dubstep, womp womp?" Love that "dubsteptechnoground," khed). But it's always hard to top the original, when good ol' Leeroy Brown was looking for the Bidega Grills and promising a lotta tips.

Cool Ranch Prank Call. by KingEvRock2

Good shit. And here's the video flyer for tonight's bash (fuck is this, Happy Endings?!), where it's rumored Das Racist will swing by and spin a special DJ set after their gig at the Middle East. Combination Cool Ranch and Middle East. Combination Middle East and Cool Ranch. 

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