[make ur own lazer school photo] The Appreciation Post's "Totally Awesome '90s Party"
The '90s, they're back, you know? Between last month's unearthing of the Space Jam website to Shaq taking over the city to that new Cage the Elephant song sounding a whole fucking lot like Tripping Daisy's "I Got A Girl," the most unappreciated decade since the 1890s is finally getting some respect.
Tomorrow night at TT The Bear's Place in Cambridge, synth-core dudes THE APPRECIATION POST (very fitting) are hosting a "Totally Awesome 90s Party," complete with Skidz, Rebook Pumps, the Organ Beats and a few other bands currently stuck in Mr. Athanasian's cell block detention hall. Appropriate attire is recommended (go bust out that Charlotte Hornets Starter jacket, you won't) and the 'Preesh are going to play some '90s-era hits live as well as give away a free CD of new material to the first 100 heads in attendance. There's nothing more '90s than a compact disc.
While organizers promise a Professional Lazer Photobooth installed somewhere within TTs tomorrow night, why wait?
On The Download is proud to present to you, our dear readers and valued members of the Peach Pit After Dark series, the school photo lazer background we all wanted back in 1992. Go ahead, right-click, save it, attach your pimple-assed grillpiece on it and go annoy everyone on Facebook the same way you did in Earth Science class back at the Joyce Middle School in Woburn almost 20 years ago. The cycle of life -- isn't it ironic, don'cha think?
Additional details on the show flyer after the lazer jump.