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Chris Faraone
By thezak on 01-22-2011 in Talking Politics
Ask Me Anything, Friday 1/21 - With Vicki out, Capuano is running for Senate. Who runs for his open seat in Congress?By Alexander on 01-21-2011 in Talking Politics
Q&A #8: GOP Pres. Foibles - A Texan who spoke in favor of secession running against a black man? There's no way that flies.By EsotericWombat on 01-21-2011 in Talking Politics
Q&A #8: GOP Pres. Foibles - Why hasn't the Phoenix ever printed the words "Baby Safe Haven" in an article??? Every...By Mike & Jean on 01-21-2011 in Talking Politics
Q&A #7: Mos Def-initely Not - Looking at the candidate field for the district 7 race, do you think Carlos Tony Henriquez should have...By Roxbury all day on 01-21-2011 in Talking Politics