
Yo La Tengo's awesome-sounding tour not coming to Boston, sadly


Yo La Tengo's new tour sounds quite amazing:

We’re going to split our performance into two sets. At the beginning of the night, we’ll bring a Wheel of . . . Fortune? Fate? What ARE those carnival things called? . . . on stage, and spin it. Whatever comes up, that’s what the first 45 minutes will be. Here are the possibilities:

1. Condo Fucks: 50 million Fuckbook fans can’t be wrong!

2. Dump: Why should Nijmegen and Claremont get all the fun? Is this the night Dump plays your town? Only the wheel knows.

3. The Freewheeling Yo La Tengo: You ask a question; we answer the question, and maybe follow up with a song.

4. The Name Game: Have you ever noticed how many Yo La Tengo songs include someone’s name? More than 45 minutes’ worth, that’s for sure, so who knows which ones we’ll do on any given night.

5. Sitcom Theater: The lucky audience in attendance the night the wheel lands on this space will get to see band and crew act out a classic sitcom.

6. Songs Starting With S: The only thing more common than a Yo La Tengo song with a name is a Yo La Tengo song starting with S (only one song fits both categories). So many, in fact, that we cannot promise that all of them are on the table, as it were. But we do promise that there will be songs rarely, if ever, heard live.

7. The Sounds of Science part 1
8. The Sounds of Science part 2
All of the lovely sounds we created, but none of that pesky science. We’re leaving the movies at home, and dividing the 90-minute program in half.

Quick reference guide: Condo Fucks were the alias Yo La Tengo used (complete with backstory) to release Fuckbook - a collection of covers that served as a sequel of sorts to their all-covers album Fakebook - last year. Dump is James McNew's solo project and Twitter handle. YLT's original "Freewheelin'" tour actually stopped in Boston in 2007, and it was awesome.  A name songs set could include "Pablo and Andrea," or maybe even "Autumn Sweater"; the S-Song set could very well include my personal favorite Yo La Tengo song. And, like a lot of indie rock bands nowadays, they have some comedy experience. The only thing I personally can't speak to is the "Sounds of Science" thing. Otherwise, all of this sounds like a lot of fun . . .

. . .  except for the part where there isn't a Boston date as of yet. Bummer.

Also on Yo La Tengo's site: their tribute to Billy Ruane.

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