RI called top state for Dems

Thanks to Chris for passing along this (not particularly surprising) story from the Hill:
It does not pay to be a Democrat in Utah or a Republican in Rhode Island, according to a new series of polls released by the Gallup Organization. That is because those states tilt most heavily to the right and left, respectively.
The polls show Republicans have the largest voter identification advantage in the Beehive State, a 23-point edge, while Democrats boast the heftiest advantage in the Ocean State, where they outnumber GOP voters by 37 points.
The data, from comprehensive analyses of the Gallup daily tracking poll, show Democrats leading by ten or more points in 29 states and the District of Columbia, while Republicans have such big advantages in just four states.
The numbers show several states that one might consider solidly in GOP territory actually offer Democrats a chance to expand upon their electoral gains from 2008. President Obama ran television ads in Montana, North Dakota, Georgia and Arizona, all of which are nearly even in registration figures.
Obama won a single electoral vote from Nebraska, another state in which Democrats are closing the gap on Republicans.