College Republicans' dubious rap on "gutless citizens"

Roger Williams University is scheduled to receive a visit at 7 tonight by Tom Trento. Here's how the College Republican Federation of Rhode Island, which is sponsoring his appearance, describes it:
This Thursday Tom Trento will be heading to Roger Williams University to give a proactive presentation on Radical Islam, the angry left, and gutless citizens! Tom will be showing "Wild & Crazy" pictures and videos from the Democratic and Republican Convention!! ( You do not want to miss the "anarchists"...otherwise known as Trust Fund Babies Gone Wild!
Trento is the director of Watch Obsession Citizen Education Campaign
Tom Trento is a man on a mission. But his mission field is not limited by geography; he is on a worldwide mission to alert the public about the growing threat of radical Islamic terrorism.
A dynamic speaker, Trento travels the world exposing the deadly intentions of terrorists bent on destroying Western culture. . . .
Director of the Florida Security Council, Inc., an organization specializing in international terrorism research, Trento travels nationally as a public speaker specializing in formal debates at hostile settings that include universities, radio and TV.
Yet the CRFRI's implication that non-Republicans are to blame for the state of the fight against terrorism seems a bit odd, doesn't it?
A few questions:
Who botched the hunt for Osama bin Laden?
Who allowed the Taliban to come back into power in Afghanistan?
Who has waged an extremely costly and unnecessary war that has failed in its stated goal of transforming the Middle East?
Whose own government says this war has made worse the fight against terrorism?
And who is reportedly ramping up the search for Osama since there's a presidential election in November?