Associate conductor Christopher Wilkins, who skillfully led the Copland Fanfare and the Jackie Robinson piece, also led the New World Chorale and stellar soloists soprano Jayne West, mezzo-soprano Mary Westbrook-Geha (absent too long from the Boston scene), tenor Matthew DiBattista, and the indefatigable bass Robert Honeysucker in Beethoven's "Ode to Joy." (The Landmark will perform the complete Ninth Symphony at the Hatch Shell on July 14.) After the inevitable Stars and Stripes Forever, Ansbacher asked whether we wanted to hear one more piece, and he followed the roar of approval with more Beethoven — sort of: an arrangement of Walter Murphy’s “A Fifth of Beethoven,” a disco version of the opening of the Fifth Symphony, which had many middle-agers dancing at their seats and Hunt and Wilkins shaking their booties off to the side of the stage.
Ansbacher, for “ensuring classical music for all,” Governor Patrick announced, pointing to a photo of the Hatch Shell on the JumboTron, is getting an honorary bench. He was also presented with a Number 10 (for decade) Red Sox jersey with his name on it.
Opera singer teaches Sox fans how to scream, Providence Student Survival Guide: List of lists, Gift Guide 2010: Books that'll make your coffee table look smart, More
- Opera singer teaches Sox fans how to scream
If Elena Zoubareva had the nerve to admonish boisterous fans outside Fenway Park, she’d offer, calmly, “Don’t scream like that — you’ll strain your vocal cords!”
- Providence Student Survival Guide: List of lists
It's back-to-campus time. You've got shopping lists, book lists, syllabi, class rosters, and Facebook. Who would possibly think you could handle more lists? We would, that's who.
- Gift Guide 2010: Books that'll make your coffee table look smart
There are books, and then there are deluxe books. They're like normal books, but more badass.
- Kastaways and cut-ups
Watching the Kastaways practice, it quickly becomes clear that this band is all about the Clam. Sir Nigel the Rat might be the frontman and attention hog. Herman might be the lead-singer and actual hog. Spike Porcupine and Pete Puffin might even provide the band's true musicality.
- Breakfast of champions
The Slip have been a fixture on the jam band scene for 15 years. Over the past six years, the Slip’s core members — bassist Marc Friedman, guitarist Brad Barr, and his brother Andrew behind the kit — along with pianist Marco Benevento and singer/songwriter Nathan Moore occasionally whip up a little something on the side they like to call Surprise Me Mr. Davis.
- Midnight ramblers
In rock ’n’ roll, it was possible to live in Harvard Square, be a musician — a local musician — and be able to pay your rent and find restaurants where you could eat and buy food and survive, and feel that there was a sense of . . . future, with hope and opportunity.
- Mood swings
There’s nothing like getting socked in the head with a big fat metaphor — and if it’s carried along by some solid guitar playing, so much the better.
- The onliest Sonny
Sonny Rollins has held the unofficial title of world’s greatest living improviser at least since the early ’70s, following the death of John Coltrane and the second of two extended Rollins sabbaticals from public performance.
- The Big Hurt: Say anything
It’s almost impossible to read a single page of YouTube comments without being confronted by society’s ugliest afflictions: ignorance, pointless fights, horrifying racism, and unfair criticism of Justin Bieber’s haircut.
- Deer Tick
At SPACE Gallery, April 4
- Spose: It's all a joke
It’s every band’s dream, really: DEAD SEASON have secured a JAGERMEISTER sponsorship.
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, Deval Patrick, Entertainment, Music, Fenway Park, Fenway Park, Baseball, Sports, classical, Fenway Franks, Brooklyn Dodgers, Less