"In the world of Twitter and Facebook, everyone can make every light shine on them for one second," muses Brewer. "[English street artist] Banksy said it best: the time for getting famous off your art is over. You don't go into a restaurant because you want to take a shit. When your reason for creating a song is so maybe someday you'll be on a billboard, it's just weak. If you're only fulfilled by a video team following you around to watch you take a dump every day, it sucks to be you."
HUMANWINE + A FAR CRY + THE BOY WHO SPOKE CLOUDS | Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston | June 27 at 8 pm | $14 | www.thedise.com
Why I am leaving Facebook, Privacy concerns make facebook the new bad guy, Chatroulette: New online intelligence, More
- Why I am leaving Facebook
By the time you read this, I'll already be gone.
- Privacy concerns make facebook the new bad guy
There was, for a time, a pretty clear moral hierarchy in the tech sector. Microsoft was the evil overlord, Apple the virtuous underling.
- Chatroulette: New online intelligence
Think of the history of online chat as you would the arc of a young American’s life.
- Interview: Rory O’Connor digs social media
Rory O'Connor has been thinking about trust and the media for a long time.
- Wall Street reform that will work
It is, in the immortal words of Yogi Berra, déjà vu all over again.
- Photos: Garbage at The Paradise Rock Club
Garbage played The Paradise Rock Club on Saturday, May 26, 2012.
- Dengue Fever and Omar Souleyman at the Paradise
I was hoping for cross-cultural pandemonium at the Paradise's double-bill of Dengue Fever and Omar Souleyman, and the two-hour show left me mostly satisfied.
- Photos: Dengue Fever and Omar Souleyman at the Paradise Rock Club
Dengue Fever and Omar Souleyman played the Paradise Rock Club on June 3, 2012.
- Dr. John at the Paradise
One of the things I've always liked about Dr. John is his ability to turn any music he touches into his own — Duke Ellington, Tin Pan Alley, Howlin' Wolf Blues.
- Photos: Dr. John at the Paradise Rock Club
Dr. John performs live at the Paradise Rock Club on June 6, 2012.
- Dirty Projectors | Swing Lo Magellan
In the indie-rock academy of musical tomfoolery, Dave Longstreth has always earned excellent marks.
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Music Features
, Internet, Science and Technology, Technology, More
, Internet, Science and Technology, Technology, Paradise Rock Club, Social Software and Tagging, Banksy, Gogol Bordello, Facebook, Holly Brewer, Holly Brewer, Less