Bajofondo live at the Middle East downstairs, April 7, 2009
- Slideshow: Easy Star All-Stars at the Middle East downstairs
Easy Star All-Stars at the Middle East downstairs
- Photos: Eek-a-Mouse at the Middle East Downstairs
Eek-a-Mouse, live at the Middle East Downstairs, July 23, 2009
- Photo: Cymbals Eat Guitars at Middle East Downstairs
Cymbals Eat Guitars at Middle East Downstairs
- Review: The Walkmen at Middle East
It was strange to see the sparse instrumentation from which NYC’s The Walkmen drew their atmospheric, honey-dipped sound last Friday at the Middle East.
- High On Fire | Snakes For The Divine
Joining a metal band as a young 'un is a bit like getting hired as a burger flipper: you may dream of one day becoming Ray Kroc, but after years of toil, grease, and ridicule, you'll probably settle for store manager.
- Xiu Xiu | Dear God, I Hate Myself
The reigning King of Discomfort, Jamie Stewart, and his new bandmate, Angela Seo (who took Cold Caveward–bound Caralee McElroy's place last year), recently released a video for this album's title track in which Seo forces herself to puke in front of the camera.
- Review: Melt-Banana at Middle East Downstairs
For the unfamiliar, trying to figure out what's going on at a Melt-Banana live show is sort of like trying to transcribe the gibberish conversations of your characters in The Sims. It's really confusing and unproductive.
- Photos: High on Fire at the Middle East
Phantom warlords High on Fire demolish the Middle East with their bonecrushing steamroller of metal.
- Photos: Nova-Cain ''Birthday'' single release show
Nova-Cain, Vee Knuckles, Millyz, Letia Larok, and more
- Sweet Dichotomy
No Age are a punk duo from Los Angeles. A week ago Monday at the Middle East downstairs, their clothes helped explain what they were up to.
- Slideshow: Joe Budden at Middle East Downstairs
At the Middle East Downstairs
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Live Reviews
, Middle East Downstairs
, Middle East Downstairs
, 2009
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, Middle East Downstairs
, Middle East Downstairs
, 2009
, latino
, accordion
, Rafael Ulloa
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