Tommy Allen of Drug Rug: “Best bands seen while working either the Middle East or P.A.’s Lounge this year”
By TOMMY ALLEN | September 17, 2007
 Tommy Allen |
Tommy Allen of Drug Rug: “Best bands seen while working either the Middle East or P.A.’s Lounge this year”
1_The Subjects
4_Baba Yaga
5_Tony the Bookie’s Daniel Johnston Tribute
Drug Rug play P.A.’s Lounge this Friday, September 21
Edited by Will Spitz
The Devil and Daniel Johnston, Two of a kind, Lovers' rock, More
- The Devil and Daniel Johnston
Daniel Johnston would seem to confirm Faust’s lesson that genius arises through demonic bargains.
- Two of a kind
Beat Awfuls founder Dave Vicini, who also co-leads Viva Viva, has a penchant for contradiction. Beat Awfuls, "DIY Die" (mp3)
- Lovers' rock
Ever want to throttle your co-worker, that well-meaning but slack-jawed doofus always peering over your cubicle? How about your partner at home, always leaving the seat up or making a Hansel-and-Gretel popcorn trail from the kitchen to the couch?
- Going steady
Whenever Drug Rug come up in the press (which is happening more and more lately), writers seem to find it hard to separate the band from the relationship between founding members Sarah Cronin and Tommy Allen. Cronin and Allen are not crazy about this.
- Perfect pairing
Sarah Cronin and Tommy Allen have just opened a box of T-shirts sent by their record label.
- Walk ’n’ roll
You know how in those Disney movies all the woodland creatures suddenly come out to sing along? It was like that.
- Feel-bad cinema
This critic's been carping for decades about feel-good cinema, how lousy it makes me feel, and this year I got the misery I begged for.
- Star teamz
Mark it, dude: another banner year for the Boston music scene.
- Rising star in Indieville
Indie singer-songwriter M. Ward has been attracting attention of late — enough to fill the Somerville Theatre last night, September 17.
- Going on sale: January 25, 2008
Converge, Bishop Allen, Saves the Day, and more.
- 2009: The year in local pop
When I think back on 2009, I feel the same pleasant discomfort you get at the end of a John Hughes movie, when suddenly all the jocks and dorks and punks are good friends. This year, hardcore denizens of time-worn niches came out of hiding and acted all presentable and all sorts of scenes and sounds went behind the bleachers for some unlikely scores.
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New England Music News
, Daniel Johnston