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Morrissey | Swords

UME Imports (2009)
Morrissey — begrudging patron saint of all that is emotionally desolate and otherwise comfortably bummed — is but a mere mortal, as his recent collapse on stage proves.
By ZETH LUNDY  |  November 06, 2009

The Big Hurt: Attention whoring and headline parsing

Music news in brief
Slow news week.
By DAVID THORPE  |  September 15, 2009

Westward ho!

The Phoenix survives Coachella
Forgot those rabid right-wingers with their hateful teabags — Coachella had the range, and the machinery for change, and the spiritual thirst. Oh and Leonard Cohen.
By GUSTAVO TURNER  |  April 29, 2009

That's how people grow up

Morrissey, live at House of Blues, March 29, 2009
Morrissey specializes in decadent enlargements of contrary emotions: he's got despair on lock, he's an excellent sculptor of ennui.
By MICHAEL BRODEUR  |  March 31, 2009

Slideshow: Morrissey at House of Blues

Live at House of Blues, March 29, 2009
Morrissey live at House of Blues, March 29, 2009  
By CARINA MASTROCOLA  |  April 01, 2009

Morrissey | Years of Refusal

Lost Highway (2009)
"Could this be an arm around my waist?" asks Morrissey on the final track of his ninth post-Smiths solo album, adding, "Surely the hand contains a knife."
By ZETH LUNDY  |  February 09, 2009

The Big Hurt: Cohen back on stage, Dee back in Heaven, Kelly back on the market

Music news in brief
Rascal Flatts are coming out with a sixth album, and I still haven't caught up with the previous five!
By DAVID THORPE  |  January 20, 2009

Meatless magic

Morrissey returns, Bank of America Pavillion, July 7, 2007
“No Meat,” read the signs posted at the entrance of Bank of America Pavilion.
By MATT ASHARE  |  July 09, 2007

Morrissey interrupts

Morrissey, Bank of America Pavilion, June 26, 2007
Morrissey was playing his first Boston show in three years, and erotic revelation was at hand.
By JAMES PARKER  |  July 02, 2007

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