Then Palin blasted Barack Obama for criticizing her experience. But why should anyone withhold judgment on someone so, well, judgmental? This is a woman who, when running for Alaska governor, advocated abstinence-only education in schools and denounced same-sex marriage and rights for same-sex couples. When Palin was mayor of Wasilla — a frosty little hamlet of approximately 7000 — she reportedly asked the local library how she could go about banning books, because some voters thought they had inappropriate language in them. Palin threatened to fire the librarian, Mary Ellen Baker, for noncompliance. And she spent her entire nomination speech tearing down Obama, then using her family as a shield — if you critique her, you’re anti-feminist. If you criticize Bristol, you don’t like babies. If you bring up Trig, you’re a member of the left-wing media who eats little children for dinner. But if you criticize Obama, you’re a maverick.
Mind you, Palin’s hardly alone in using fertility to further her career. Take Rielle Hunter, a wealthy woman who’s accustomed to getting whom — and what — she wants. She’s reportedly been banking a cool $15,000 per month just to keep quiet about her dalliances with John Edwards and her baby’s DNA. (Her child’s yet too young to grow a glossy mane of hair, but we’ll know the truth when she does.) Just look north to Gloucester, where a prom-limo-load of teenage girls found themselves with child this year, in a supposed social pact — kind of like a nine-month-long sorority-hazing ritual with a hangover that lasts approximately 18 years. No matter, movie and book deals are supposedly in the works. Look at Britney Spears’s sis, who’s appeared on more magazine covers now than she ever did while “acting.” While Hallmark isn’t exactly printing cards reading “Congratulations and best wishes on your bastard child!”, it’s not the moralistic massacre of yesteryear. With the entire UN dripping from Angelina Jolie’s pert bosom and “sperminated” the adjective du jour, young, unwed motherhood is downright retro-chic.

And Palin, who’s about as retro as it gets, is right there capitalizing on the trend. Too bad her values will undermine her plan. Because the American people aren’t looking for a leader who’s infallible. We’re looking for a leader who’s ideologically honest. You think that abstinence should be exclusively promoted in schools, that pre-marital sex is wrong, that abortion is atrocious? Fine. Then make sure Willow, Piper, Trig, Track, Bristol, and the rest of the Wiccan moose-riding team keep their pants on too. I wish the glass ceiling could be broken with a pro-woman woman. But in the meantime, people with glass ovaries shouldn’t throw stones.