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Garden at the Cellar’s All-Day Egg Sandwich

No, it’s not two for $3, and yes, it’s worth every extra penny
By KENJI ALT  |  April 30, 2008

Anyone with a passion for whiskey knows it’s easy to argue until closing time about the respective merits of Scotch and bourbon. And anyone who regularly gets into these debates (along with the requisite tastings) knows it’s equally easy to argue about the best way to nurse yourself back to health the morning after. The key is to introduce — in decreasing order of importance — fat, salt, and carbs in the most readily digestible form possible. Now, a lot of foods come close to this ideal — a Bloody Mary has salt but no fat, day-old pizza has everything except the digestion factor — but only one comestible covers all four bases. I’m talking about that booze-sponge ne plus ultra: the breakfast sandwich.

Up until now, I’ve been perfectly content with the fast-food version: the rubbery pre-cooked eggs get nicely concealed by drippy, fatty American cheese and dissolve-in-your-mouth bacon. I’d never considered what would happen if you took this sandwich to the extreme.

Fortunately for Cambridge, local-food champion Will Gilson at Garden at the Cellar did. Let’s start from the center and work our way out. First, toss the microwaved rectangular egg patties and replace them with free-range local eggs fried until the yolks are set just enough to avoid jeans-staining drips, but runny enough to slide smoothly down your throat without complaining. Then top them with three strips of New Hampshire applewood-smoked bacon that actually tastes like bacon, rather than unembellished salt and fat.

While the aged Vermont cheddar cheese has the local home-team advantage and a vastly superior flavor, it’s missing the meat-coating gooiness of American cheese. The solution? A fatty dollop of homemade garlicky mayo. Add to this mix the fattiest of all green vegetables (the avocado), replace the nooks and crannies of an English muffin with the rich butteriness of a toasted Iggy’s brioche, and cram a side of signature truffle-rosemary fries on the plate, and you’ve got yourself a perfect morning-after remedy. The best part? The sandwich is served all day and evening, so you can start battling that hangover even while you’re still creating it.

Available for $9 at Garden at the Cellar, 991 Mass Ave, in Cambridge. Call 617.876.2580.

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Garden at the Cellar’s All-Day Egg Sandwich
Wow!! It sounds yummy :) Thanks for the info. Keep 'em coming..
By Alex Brown on 05/15/2008 at 2:25:52
Re: Garden at the Cellar’s All-Day Egg Sandwich
So my boyfriend and I have gone to Garden in the Cellar twice for this egg sandwich.  The first time, we ordered th sandwich without specifying how we wanted the egg done (based on the picture, it was clear the egg yolk would be runny).  The eggs were cooked to hard (i.e. to a pale solid mass) in both sandwiches.  I was disappointed but gave them another try a couple of days ago.  This time I specified I wanted the egg yolk to be runny.  Again the egg was overcooked!  I pointed this out to the bartender who had them cook me another sandwich.  However, she was not at all apologetic and the new eggs were still overdone (but were at least cooked slightly less than before).  Is the picture really supposed to represent how the eggs will be cooked?  Given my experiences, they always cook it to hard and not to over easy.  Was it cooked this way for the picture because it would be prettier?  One word, misadvertising! 
By foodhunter on 07/10/2008 at 10:59:29
Re: Garden at the Cellar’s All-Day Egg Sandwich
Odd - every time I've had it, it's been runny. Just bad luck I guess - sorry about that!
By kenjialt on 07/14/2008 at 12:02:52

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