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Editors' Picks
Lomma & The Fix + Breakfast Of Champions + Hot Molasses + Brother Kite
This event occurs in the past,
July 22
480 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA
(view map)
We’re less than eight short years away from the 100th anniversary of the Boston Molasses Disaster of 1919, which killed 21 lead-footed North Enders on a cold January day. Aside from the inevitable internet memes and tributes in store for the syrupy centennial, we’re going to need a warm, sticky soundtrack. Enter Somerville’s Hot Molasses, an aural five-person energy boost who take their name from the great molasses flood and spin spiky keyboard power-pop — sugary, harmonious spoonfuls somewhere between New Pornographers and Talking Heads.
Lomma & The Fix
Breakfast of Champions
Hot Molasses
The Brother Kite is a band from Rhode Island, USA. They make space-sound produced old-school music.
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Fri, Jul 29 2011