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Editors' Picks

Keb' Mo'
Over the last decade, Keb’ Mo’ has honed the artistic persona of thoughtful traditionalist rather than the entertainment persona of party boy. As such, the modern bluesman veers away from a chunk of the competition. His tunes are mellower than those of your average boogie band. That occasionally makes ’em ho-hum, too, but in the large there’s something sweet about the way Mo’ does business — credit the sizable influence of Taj Mahal that helps sculpt his sound. He has a new disc, The Reflection (Yollabelle/Ryko), hitting in a month. Get ready for some fresh tunes at the Newport Yachting Center, America’s Cup Avenue, at 7 pm | $100 + $55 + $35, proceeds benefit the International Tennis Hall of Fame & Museum | 401.846.1600 |
Keb' Mo' is one of the foremost contemporary blues artists. With an endearing sense of faith in humanity evident on most of his tracks and...