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Editors' Picks
Alela Diane + The Parson Red Heads
Nevada City native Alela Diane’s touring-turned-backing band — the Wild Divine — includes both her husband and her father, but there’s nothing quaint about this family affair. Diane’s brand of pastoral psych-folk is at times gritty and dark, at times soulful and lovely. Often, it’s simply haunting and unsettling. Employing stream-of-consciousness lyricism with her distinctive vocals, Diane produces authentic, slightly spooky, often effectively sparse Americana. Diane and the Wild Divine are joined by husband-and-wife-fronted folk act The Parson Red Heads.
Alela Diane is an up-and-coming U.S. singer-songwriter. Her gentle acoustic style has been described as "campfire gospel". If you imagine a continuum from the Carter...
Many bands are composed of individuals who are barely friends, sometimes they are barely acquaintances who treat each other and their music like little more...