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Romney’s greatest gaffes — so far

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4/21/2006 9:23:18 AM

3) A foolish consistency, etc.
Debating Ted Kennedy during their 1994 Senate race, Romney offers a passionate defense of abortion rights, referencing his mother, Lenore, in the process. “I believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country,” Romney says. “I have since the time that my mom took that position when she ran in 1970 as a US Senate candidate.” Later in the debate, Romney says a relative once died after an illegal abortion, and adds: “Since that time, my mother and my family have been committed to the belief that we can believe as we want, but we will not force our beliefs on others on that matter, and you will not see my wavering on that.” Romney subsequently wavers on that, telling Fox News’s Chris Wallace in 2006 that he is “very firmly pro-life.”

2) Rock that vote
In 2004, Romney recruits 131 Republican candidates to run for the Democrat-dominated Massachusetts legislature, introducing his “Reform Team” at a gala ceremony in May of that year. Come November, however, the Republicans actually lose three seats, thereby allowing Democrats to retain veto-proof majorities in both chambers.

1) Tough job, but somebody ... er, scratch that
After the Boston Red Sox win the 2004 World Series, Romney decides to personally dismantle the REVERSE THE CURSE sign hanging from a bridge over Storrow Drive. In the course of his labors, the governor causes a massive traffic jam   and gives himself a nasty bump on the head.

Even if you disagree with his politics, Romney’s stumblebum ways are kind of endearing, and we’ll remember them fondly when he leaves the corner office later this year. Of course, whether they would serve the Republican Party well in 2008 is another matter entirely. Forewarned is forearmed.

On the Web
Adam Reilly's Talking Politics blog: //
Massachusetts Office of the Governor: //
Elect Romney in 2008 blog: //
Romney is a Fraud blog: //


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What was Jonathan Alter smoking when he penned the Newsweek puff piece on Willard? Anyway, you can add anti-rural to the Mitt we know list. Romney began his tenure on Beacon Hill by failing to name anyone from a rural community to his transition team in 2002. He has never visited small towns here in Massachusetts to understand our problems (closing the digital divide on high-speed Internet access, preserving the working landscapes that are the backbone of our farming and foresty businesses,etc.). This is going to come back and bite him when he gets his wingtips dirty in Iowa's hog feedlots and cornfields and when he campaigns in New Hampshire's North Country. Mitt's Commonwealth Capital initiative on "smart growth" is designed to screw rural Bay State towns that lack public transportation and commercial centers. My town has one general store. The rest of the United States will soon find out what we already know about Mitt and Sherry, they view rural America as a place to fly over on the way to their next fundraiser.

POSTED BY Hilltowner AT 04/20/06 8:38 AM

Here are a few more: 1) Can you tell me how to get to Belmont from here? -- Towards the end of Mitt's failed Senate campaign, he lost his temper in Dorchester after local residents told him it was Kennedy Country. Mitt noted some of the decrepit neighborhoods and said Kennedy could keep it it. If Howie Has a Problem, So Do I -- After Howie Carr discovered one of Mitt's judicial nominee's had been through a messy divorce, Mitt dropped her faster than a hot caffinated beverage. God forbid Mitt take flack from Howie Carr. But do they expect their governor to show up for work once in a while? -- In a recent Herald interview, Mitt hinted he may have been more effective as a governor in Michigan because his politics matched more closely with that state. We won't stereotype if you don't - Just last month, Mitt opened his remarks at the St. Patrick's Day breakfast by referring to the crowd as "a bunch of alcoholics."

POSTED BY Patrick AT 04/21/06 7:13 PM

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