Damn you, Barack Obama

September 26, 2007 6:08:02 PM

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Here’s a video excerpt from the New York Camp Obama training session. The second presentation in it comes from the field director Figueroa, a veteran organizer from the union movement. It provides a window into another innovation of the Obama field organization.

Beyond the traditional role of field organization in getting out the vote, Camp Obama seems equally fixated on making sure its precinct-level organization is involved on the message level of the campaign in order to beat back the kinds of media attacks known, since the 2004 TV ads of Swift Boat Veterans against Kerry, as the "swift-boating" of the candidate.

Dukakis, the 1988 nominee who got "Willie Horton-ed," recently told the New York Observer  that, from his experience, a ground-level precinct organization is what he lacked to be able to counter the advertising attacks from the air.

"There's a chemistry there, which is hard to describe unless you've done it," Dukakis said about precinct-level campaign organization. "Otherwise, it permits your opponent to paint you as something you aren't. It happened to me. It happened to Kerry. They tried to do it to Clinton. They'll try to do it to anybody."

If the third-quarter FEC reports, due on October 15, show that Obama's continued to raise money as he has thus far, his campaign's rhetoric about building precinct-level organization in the later primary states will likely become a reality. For the first time since the dawn of television, a maverick Democratic presidential challenger will be able to advertise in all the primary and caucus states between January and June. Plus, Obama will have converted significant swathes of his quarter-million donors into precinct-level organizers.

Massachusetts (along with Rhode Island and the delegate-rich prizes of Ohio and Texas) won't vote until March 4. In previous cycles, contests have all but been decided by that date. This time it's likely to be different: the March primaries will probably still matter — because of what Obama has accomplished in fundraising.

Obama's historic war chest upends the conventional wisdom that a challenger has to win in Iowa or New Hampshire — with the traditional bounce such victories give to an aspirant's fundraising — to be able to stay in the contest all the way to the finish line. Of course, if Obama were to win even just one of the first four states (he's competitive, according to the polls, in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina today) such a victory would slingshot him into a commanding position.

He is the first Democrat that is not a front-runner that doesn't have to win one of the early states to emerge as the last candidate standing between the front-runner and the nomination. Obama's conquest of small-donor supremacy will keep him in the game until somebody — maybe him — wins 2182 delegates.

Former Boston Phoenix political reporter Al Giordano "enjoyed the hottest streak of almost any handicapper," during the 2004 presidential elections, according to James Wolcott of Vanity Fair: "the first to hear John Kerry's hulking footsteps about to overtake Howard Dean."

The founder of Narco News, Giordano has lived in and reported from Latin America for the past decade. His opinions expressed in this column do not reflect those of Narco News nor of the Fund for Authentic Journalism, which supports his work. Al encourages commentary, critique, additional analysis and tips to be sent to his e-mail address: .

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there's a short shelf life to the obama campaign and it should serve as sobering to those who romance american politics. a quick glance at this man's political life in illinois would awaken the reader, or for that matter those who opt to write about politics and walk in front of their own stories. the "us" and "we" would best be left from such endeavors.

POSTED BY jeffery mcnary AT 10/02/07 3:37 PM
I have driven to NH twice from phila and will going to SC and Iowa and i never got into a campaign before in my life. I have kids and i am sick and tired of the BUSH CLINTON BUSH CLINTON REGIME They are done and Barack has enabled the people to TAKE BACK AMERICA and the WHITE HOUSE. Barack has proven himself with his transparency bill he passed in 2006. GOBAMA

I have driven to Nevada to canvass for Obama. I joined about 200 others from out of State two weeks ago and we worked our butts off going door to door. I spoke to 200 people at least and only ONE supported Hillary. Several were pro Obama and the rest were undecided but willing to listen. We swayed a bunch of people and got about 145 caucaus pledge cards. We found two precinct captains for local neighborhoods. I even went to bus stops to talk to culinary workers on their way home from the casinos. They all loved Obama. I understand 10 percent of voters actually show up to caucuases, and if so, well, I've never seen a group more fired up, and Obama will win in Nevada for sure thanks to the dedication that he has inspired. In the room of 200 people that showed up at a musty union hall in 100 degree heat to canvass for him, the organizer asked, "who's done this before?" Almost no one raised their hand, including me. Almost to a person everyone that showed up that day had NEVER been involved with a campaign before. We aren't being paid. But we showed up. If Obama can bring that out in me and so many others, think what this great man can do when he becomes our President? I'm tired of politics as usual. I feel like a kid again because I'm so inspired. If you haven't checked out Obama yet, go to youtube and do the research. You'll see why I'm so fired up. Obama 08!!!

POSTED BY Lance AT 10/05/07 1:01 PM
hey, feel free to sit a little closer.:-), "the pump don't work 'cause the vandals took the handles."

POSTED BY jeffery mcnary AT 10/06/07 2:37 PM

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